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Transcending Labels

With Nathan Godderis

Helping those diagnosed with high-functioning ​Autism or ADHD attain freedom - internally and ​externally.

Also for those who believe they were ​misdiagnosed.

My Practice

After over a decade dedicated to self-improvement and ​rigorous study of ADHD and ASD, I now passionately guide ​clients toward lives of mental clarity, purpose, direction, and ​foundational happiness. This practice isn’t limited to those ​diagnosed with Autism or ADHD but extends to anyone ​grappling with core limiting beliefs about themselves.

My own journey gained momentum when I delved into the ​world of holistic health, which explores the ​interconnectedness of body, mind, spirit, and environment. I ​firmly advocate for integrating the insights of Western ​science with the wisdom of the East to attain optimal ​wellness. Nervous system regulation, to me, is the most vital ​aspect of mental health, and both the East and West offer ​amazing knowledge on this.

While much of this work involves introspection, we also ​harness the power of meditation, breathwork, exercise, ​nutrition, grounding, and more.

Clients and I typically meet biweekly, tailoring the amount of ​take-home work and goal-setting to individual schedules.

My objective isn’t merely to rescue you from failure or ​depression but to empower you to realize the success and ​enduring joy that your life can embody.

Close Up Of Woman At Home Writing In Gratitude Journal

My Story

Hey! My name is Nathan.

When I was 5 years old, I was diagnosed with mild or high-functioning ​Autism. Growing up, I was convinced I was destined for a very low-​achieving life where I wouldn’t accomplish much.

I was falling behind in school, I had trouble making friends and I wasn’t ​excelling at anything. I felt completely depressed and hopeless.

Yet a part of me felt I was capable of more. Part of me felt I had it in ​me to grow into a bigger person.

So I started transforming. I set goals, changed my perceptions, took ​risks, faced failure, and experienced success. Soon enough, I ended up ​as a completely transformed person.

My people skills became phenomenal, and I can now become friends ​with almost anyone. My grades and focus took a 180 - and I started ​excelling in school and work. But most notably, my internal experience ​became composed, content, happy, and peaceful.

But how did I do it? What guidance did I stumble upon? This has been ​a journey of more than a decade of personal development and self-​exploration. After lots of trial and error, I feel uniquely equipped to ​help people overcome limiting beliefs and labels that they’ve picked up ​throughout their life.

Now, my life’s passion is to help others in similar situations find their ​highest health and potential.

Snow Covered Trees

Who Are you?

  • Someone with mild or high functioning ​autism.
    • Feel very held back due to your condition and/or ​diagnosis.
    • Are healing from trauma and limiting beliefs.
    • A strong desire to thrive in the world and access your ​fullest potential.
    • A frustration with how society or other people talk ​about autism.
  • Someone with ADHD
    • Feel very held back due to your condition and/or ​diagnosis.
    • Are healing from trauma and limiting beliefs.
    • A strong desire to thrive in the world and access your ​fullest potential.
    • A frustration with how society or other people talk ​about ADHD.
  • A parent of a struggling teen/young adult.
    • Strongly desiring to see your child happy and ​content.
    • Feeling helpless in helping your child navigate the ​modern digital world.
    • Wanting to help but finding no way to get your child’s ​enthusiasm.
    • Concerned about their future career, relationships, ​mental, and physical health.
  • A struggling teen/young adult.
    • Not understanding how to effectively remedy stress ​and anxiety.
    • Feeling confused and disconnected from the world ​around you.
    • A desire to take back your happiness, but not ​knowing how.


Ask me any questions or schedule a call

to see how I can best serve you:

